Wednesday, January 31, 2007



Two Months ago today you took office as “President" of Mexico as a result of a monumental fraud where, according to specialist, 3,700,000 votes were illegitimately inserted into the election result to make you win by less than half a percentage point (250,000 votes).

As if you were looking for revenge against the nation who didn´t vote for you, since the very first day you have made important efforts to show your discontent. After 60 days of your administration, the result could not be more harmful: basic foods such as milk, eggs and tortillas have nearly doubled their price; you have promoted budget cuts in education and health care and well, the minimum wage was raised in 20 cents on the dollar!! Come on, man!

Today, thousands of people marched in major cities all across the country to show you that they are not happy either. It must be said in passing I share their discontent. I hope you get the message!

Your friend


P. S.
At the beginning, I didn´t know that by saying “fight to finish poverty” you really meant “to finish with the poor…” literally, “starving them to death”.


Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Today, in his opening remarks at a Judiciary Committee hearing on "Congress´s power to end a war", U. S. Senator Russ Feingold, supported by a panel of legal experts, made a call to Congress to assume its responsibility as a co-equal branch of government and use its power to end the war in Iraq:

"Since the President is adamant about pursuing his failed policies in Iraq, Congress has the duty to stand up and use its power to stop him. If Congress doesn’t stop this war, it’s not because it doesn’t have the power. It’s because it doesn’t have the will". READ ON…


A new television advertisement against the President Bush´s escalation of the war in Iraq was launched yesterday by Below, VV Chairman Jon Soltz gives his take on this topic from a soldier´s view:

“When you have 120,000 American troops in a country of 26 million, 20,000 more it is kind of like.. spit in the ocean. It´s not really gonna make a difference. It´s just gonna lead the 20,000 more troops get shot at… because there is no strategy…”

Monday, January 29, 2007


Some days ago, NeRaK wrote an interesting comment about one of my previous posts. She ended up her comment wondering if a revolution in Mexico is going to take place as some proclaim today. I answered that a revolution, in terms of "violent popular movement", was not just a remote possibility but undesired at any rate. We do need a change, a significant change, but as somebody recently stated: Mexico today is a sort of a situation where you have a guy who drove the bus into the ditch. We obviously have to get the bus out of the ditch and that is not easy to do… although we should probably fire the driver.

As I have said before, I think that right now one of the most important things we should be working on is education.

In Mexico, according to official data, 8% out of the population are illiterate and 40% has only elementary level of education. What we are saying here is that nearly half of the Mexican population have 6 years of instruction or less, or nothing at all.

However, the main problem is not education coverage. It is a lack of clarity with regards to education as a whole. I think we have left unaddressed the ultimate questions of education, as if it were not necessary to reflect on them in every epoch, namely: What is education all about? What do we educate for? And above all, what is the best possible education today?

Behind each general education system there’s always both an ideal of citizenship in accordance with the nation´s program and a philosophical conception that gives the whole system coherency, meaning and certainty.

In México, during 300 years of The Colonial Period, the Roman Catholic Church kept their dominance over education. In 1867, President Juarez established the “Reform Laws” and with these, state control over education and a new theoretical orientation: Positivism. After the Revolution of 1910 and with the creation of the new institutions, there were long ideological debates on education (its function, objectives and, above all its future) among those who hold liberal, socialist and conservative positions. This discussion was held at
a very important moment in our history: today, we need this kind of debate; and we need to initiate it in a form of a national dialogue.

In terms of subject contents, we have to consider the reconstitution of sciences (Gulbelkian Commission). As for the didactic resources, it would be important to take into account concepts from other experiences such as "Accelerated learning", "Lifelong learning", "Evaluation vs. Assessment", etc. But the most important thing is to define the horizon: what kind of citizen do we need?

A suspicious person might argue that before that we would need to define what kind of country we want. And I would say: my friend, you might have a point!!


Friday, January 26, 2007


It has already been announced the celebration of The XXII World Congress of Philosophy to be held from July 30 to August 5, 2008 in Seoul, Korea.

The World Congresses of Philosophy are organized every five years by the International Federation of Philosophical Societies (FISP) which counts among its members nearly 100 philosophical societies from all around the world.

This major event, considered “the Philosopher´s World Cup”, will have as its main theme “Rethinking Philosophy Today”. “With this theme we hope to have –said organizers, renewed reflections of the nature, scope, and function of philosophy in an increasingly multicultural, globalized, and techno-scientific age”.

Given its critical nature, Philosophy has a tremendous role to play as one of the cornerstones of the general formation of citizenship and real democracy. As it is known, historically Philosophy has taken part in the greatest political transformations of all times either as one of their biggest advocates or as one of their sharpest critics.

Hence, I find the realization of this event relevant. LEARN MORE…

Thursday, January 25, 2007


I Know Chuck Hagel´s speech yesterday morning during the Senate Foreign Relations Committee meeting on the resolution against the president´s troop increase in Iraq has been not just posted everywhere but also largely commented.

The reactions have run the gamut from those who see on it a breath of fresh air coming from Hagel to those who think he´s preparing for 2008 run. There was someone who even wrote: “too little too late…”

Anyway, I think this guy somehow hit a Home Run yesterday...

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I think that the power elite theory is an essential topic, especially when we consider political phenomena as a whole. There is a vast literature on the topic that helps us understand the relationship between political, military and economic elite and the way they operate in concrete reality. As it is known, Wright Mills book The Power Elite is a classic work on this issue, among many others.

The United States is the best political elite paradigm and 9/11 is its ultimate expression. My buddy staticbrain recently posted on his blog the first video that presents photographic and video evidence about 9/11 Cover-up. WATCH IT HERE

Monday, January 22, 2007


Ralph Nader, 4-time U. S. presidential candidate, wrote an open letter to President Bush last Friday. In his letter, Nader reflects on the real meaning behind one of Bush´s expressions in his last address to the nation on Iraq where he alludes to his own responsibility “where mistakes have been made”.

Nader asks President Bush:

“You say where mistakes have been made, the responsibility rests with me. You then quickly change the subject. Whoa now, what does it mean when you say the responsibility for mistakes rest with you?” FULL TEXT

Sunday, January 21, 2007


The 2007 World Social Forum opened yesterday with a rally where thousands of anti-globalisation protesters marched in Kenya´s capital, Nairobi. READ ON…

As it is known, The WSF is an annual meeting held by different members (organizations, groups and individuals) of the anti-globalisation movement.

It was first held in Porto Alegre, Brasil in 2001 and it was mainly intended to be a challenge to the World Economic Forum where the world economic elite is held.

Ever since it has prompted the organizing of different social forums all around the world in order to discuss different initiatives opposed to a world dominated by the great powers. This year a regional forum will be held in Atlanta, GA (June 27-July 1). LEARN MORE…



In Mexico, we are used to celebrating and claiming the successes of our countrymen overseas as our own. Their triumphs make us feel proud and united. Proud, because it strengths our conviction in our own abilities and possibilities (remember the now-famous expression “¡Sí-se-puede!” “yes, we can!”). United, basically because we know most of our achievements are made under adverse circumstances. Circumstances, that the vast majority of us, share.

In terms of “facts”, it is what we euphemistically call “reality”. It terms of “mentality”, it is what prominent Mexican psychologist Raúl Páramo recently called “the trauma that gathers us together”.

Right after the Revolution of 1910 in Mexico, renowned philosophers such as Justo Sierra, Antonio Caso and José Vasconcelos began a reflection over the Mexican culture, its limits, its possibilities and its future. It is important to bear in mind that this revolution was a major historical event that left behind not just over 1 million deaths but also the imperative necessity of building a new country over the ruins.

As it is known, this reflection was later cultivated through three decades (30´s, 40´s and 50´s). It is Samuel Ramos (Profile of man and Culture in Mexico) who brings up the topic of the so called “Mexican Psychology” and Octavio Paz (The Labyrinth of Solitude) who reflects on it from an anthropological view, among others.

This theme is later recuperated with a renovated perspective by Guillermo Bonfil Batalla in his book Mexico Profundo: Reclaiming a Civilization. Batalla died in 1991, three years before The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) came into effect in Mexico; the same day The Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) went public and began what some consider the first “post modern” revolution.

All this gave a big impulse and generated new ideas into the discussion about of our identity.

The most interesting part is that after all this we still keep fighting with our demons: It might be well thought that the conditions determine our consciousness (as a well known thinker once said) but I think that our self-consciousness has also reinforced the original conditions, strengthening them and creating a vicious circle.

On the other hand, the dominant ideology, transmitted to us through all forms of education, has imprinted upon our minds a decadent image of ourselves. One image we have bought without really thinking.

Today, under the present circumstances, it is essential to rethink our identity and to do it not so much looking at the present but into our past and above all, to the future.

Rephrasing a famous quote: We must ask not who we are –we must ask what we remember and then what we want...

And yes, Viva Mexico!!


Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Mexican film director Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu´s “Babel” won the Golden Globe award for best dramatic film yesterday night. READ ON.

Alejandro, who started his career in 1984 at the top-rated Mexican radio station WFM as a DJ and later Executive Director, has made his way through the film industry directing renowned movies such as “Amores Perros” (1999), "11´09´01" (2002) and “21 Grams”(2003).

El negro, as he is tenderly called by his friends, has become now one of the leading film directors in the industry and we just expect this award to be translated into an Oscar next February 25th.


Sunday, January 14, 2007


Leading critical theorists gathered under the name “Grupo Sur” made a new call for the progressive forces unity before the dictatorial temptation exhibited by Calderon´s regime: “We consider that the progressive forces unity is a sine qua non condition for the transformation of this nation” said intellectuals. GO HERE.

All kinds of organizing forms, transformation projects and diverse practices must converge to create a complex coordination, a historic-block in order to defend the nation´s interests against the oligarchy, is asserted by this group.

I salute this intention. At the same time, I have to insist that a well informed and critical public opinion is required, therefore a long time political education plan is needed and must be considered.



Yesterday night, I went out with a friend whom I had not seen in a long time. As if I were a salesman, I took advantage of the first opportunity to tell her about my blog and all: “Yes, I know you have a blog…” she said, “I´ve already seen it and…” “And what do you think?” I asked her without letting her finish the sentence. “The same stuff… “ . She replied, “your usual stuff: bad news, bad news and bad news!… Haven´t I told you that you are a complete pessimist?” She said smiling as she took a steadying sip from her beer.

At first, I thought that she was right, in the sense that given the current state of affairs here in Mexico, it is really difficult to be an optimist today:

Like Octavio Rodriguez Araujo, a prominent Mexican political analyst, recently stated, after the Coup D´Etat, Felipe Calderón has exercised political power having The Army as his business card: I cannot recall any other president wearing military uniform, standing tall, reminding those Latin American dictators from other times.

Even when this guy´s Napoleonic madness is a whole issue, all by itself, the real political issues are others: a big inequality of Wealth and Income Distribution, Health care and Education access, demographic concentration and social related problems of all kinds, etc. Statistics are there: 22 years of neo-liberal socioeconomic policies implementation accompanied with a make-believe democracy whose simulation was impossible to sustain in the last presidential elections.

On the other hand, opposition forces don´t help much: it seems that they cannot put aside their particular interests in order to consolidate the Anti neo-liberal Progressive Front, once and for all.

Yes, at first I thought my friend was right: the immediate political prospects are not good. However, as Gandhi once said:

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall –think of it, always”.

In our case, I guess, it´d be just a matter of finding different intelligent ways to help them fall!

Friday, January 12, 2007


Robert Fisk, one of the leading British war correspondents nowadays, gives his take on President Bush´s major announcement about his "new strategy" for the war in Iraq:

"So into the graveyard of Iraq, George Bush, commander-in-chief, is to send another 21,000 of his soldiers. The march of folly is to continue... There will be timetables, deadlines, benchmarks, goals for both America and its Iraqi satraps. But the war against terror can still be won. We shall prevail. Victory or death. And it shall be death.." READ ON...


On Saturday, Jan. 27th, people from every corner of the U. S. will march on Washington, DC. The message will be clear: "End the war in Iraq, Bring all the troops home now!" READ ON...

Thursday, January 11, 2007


President Bush´s speech to the nation, yesterday night, was a complete fiasco, in all of the senses. The N. Y. Times editorial tells it like it was:

“President Bush told Americans last night that failure in Iraq would be a disaster. The disaster is Mr. Bush’s war, and he has already failed. Last night was his chance to stop offering more fog and be honest with the nation, and he did not take it.” READ ON

Why most politicians keep reminding us all the time Albert Einstein´s famous quote?, namely: that human stupidity is infinite.


Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw this blog had 100 visits in the last 24 hours!! My brother says that is pretty much how Internet works and all. However, ever since I started writing here (3 months ago or something) that had never been the case. That is why I am super happy and super thankful!!. This just to let you guys know how much I appreciate your visits!! THANKS THANKS A LOT!

I can see my friend Roberto from Paris, who is the guy that operates the Neo Counter system, sending me tomorrow morning an email, telling me that it was all a mistake... a system error or something. That were just 10 and not 100! Man!!


I am sure you have already seen this video but I really believe, as somebody wrote, that “this guy iz great!!!”

Sunday, January 07, 2007


On June 5th 1995, 45 file boxes containing official documents from the Secretary of Finance of the Institutional Revolutionary Party were anonymously delivered to AMLO. It was said that those boxes were left in an empty house that had been inhabited by one of the main officials of that Secretary. Later on, it seems to be that somebody called AMLO up letting then him know the existence of those boxes.

As it is known now, the content analysis of those boxes revealed shortly after the inner mechanism of the political elite and the way the biggest plunder since Colonial Times was perpetrated, the so called FOBAPROA: 55 billion dollars of private debt were converted in public debt overnight.

This weekend I reread the book that AMLO wrote in 1999 on it. While leafing through its pages my Jaw hit the floor: the names that AMLO mentioned on his book back then as the political operators of this monumental fraud are the same ones that now hold the power after the coup d’etat in the last presidential elections.

I understand adapting to the rhythm of Modern Life necessarily implies to be updated with the newest information and all but I do believe that looking back on certain past issues once in a while could give us some hints to better comprehend present-day reality.


Thursday, January 04, 2007


In our time, it is really difficult to find someone, especially on the media, who steps up and says things the way they must be said: Olbermann´s comment on Bush´s "new Iraq strategy" is an example of how good journalism is done:


Last Sunday, Renowned British Journalist Robert Fisk wrote a brilliant article in his column about Saddam´s execution. He is direct and crystal clear: with Saddam´s death, Washington´s secrets are now safe. Here is a little excerpt:

“The shameless, outrageous, covert military support which the United States - and Britain - gave to Saddam for more than a decade remains the one terrible story which our presidents and prime ministers do not want the world to remember. And now Saddam, who knew the full extent of that Western support - given to him while he was perpetrating some of the worst atrocities since the Second World War - is dead”.

As Robert Fisk´s articles are published all over the world you might have already read this one.

Otherwise GO HERE.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


After this...
