To those who think another world is possible and necessary...
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
During the last weeks I have closely followed the immigration debate that has taken place in the U. S., prompted by the discussion in the Senate on the so called immigration bill.
It has been interesting to observe the significant amount of attention and time that has been devoted to this issue by the media, making it one of the top news stories at large. It is a fact that such attention corresponds with the American public real interest who consider this topic a priority. What I deplore is the conservative discourse dominance of the debate which not only has boosted the creepy nationalism of some but it has also served as a veil for Washington´s pragmatic reasons: the capitalization of 42 (plus 12-20) million Hispanics economic weight ($900 billion in annual spending), of their labor capacity (cheap labor force) and political weight (the increase of the republican electoral base).
Any serious debate on immigration would consider its root source: the economical situation of those countries from where women and men are literally expelled, situation that Washington has largely contributed to create. But that discussion is not likely to be held, basically because, under certain control, immigration represents big business to those holding power on both sides of the river.
Labels: México
Saturday, June 16, 2007
One day before its announced “U.S. special premiere” in Bellaire, Michigan and two weeks prior to its nationwide debut, Micheal Moore´s latest film on the American health care system “SiCKO” found its way to the Internet and now it is available for everyone to watch it HERE
I am not good at movie commenting and all. What I can say is that this is definitely the best Micheal Moore´s documentary. Especially moving turns out to be the Cuban chapter where some 9/11 aid workers move on to the island to receive medical treatment they have been denied in their homeland.
UPDATE: As you know, most of the links have been removed due to copyright reasons but it has been like the Cat-and-Mouse game: every time one link is erased, appear three new ones.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
The U. S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary has just passed a bill today in an attempt to restore habeas corpus, one of the basic constitutional civil rights taken away by the Military Commissions Act approved by the U. S. Congress last September and signed into law by President Bush 19 days later.
My first post to this blog was devoted to this issue here. Later on I compiled some pieces of information on the same topic here, here, here and here. I specially recall Keith Olbermann´s editorial comment on what he sarcastically defined back then as what it used to be “the right of anyone who is tossed in prison, to appear in court and say, Hey, why am I in prison?”, definitely worth watching again HERE.
While some have seen today´s Senate Committee action as the first step towards restoring the so called Great Writ, considered to be the foundation of all other rights in the U. S., others have remained doubtful thinking that once passed by the Senate (if so) this law will likely get vetoed by Dubya. We will see…
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
As it is known the G8 annual summit is taking place these days in Germany along with a broad range of protest activities. Below you can listen to an excellent parody of President Bush weekly Radio Address on the topic.
Cannot see the radio player? Go HERE
Sunday, June 03, 2007