Sunday, October 28, 2007


As it is known, Comedy Central comedian Stephen Colbert recently made “official” his candidacy for president of the USA. According to this dispatch, a new poll suggests that he could be a frontrunner within a month, were his attempt serious!

I have to say that a year ago or so, after watching one of his program emissions where he interviewed Amy Goodman, one of my favorite journalists, I wrote here this guy was a complete disaster. Later on I came across his speech at the 2006 White House Correspondents´ Dinner given a few months earlier: I was not convinced yet. It was not till the beginning of December last year, after the celebration of an out-of-character interview with him held at Harvard (it can be found at google video), when I became as fond of him as everybody was.

As far as the 2008 presidential race is concerned, Colbert´s popularity seems to be inversely proportional to popular confidence in traditional politics and politicians. It is like if people would be saying that they´d rather have a professional comedian in the White House than an improvised one who turned out to be as wicked and dangerous as the one who runs the nation nowadays.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Just got back home from the seaside: I guess business hours are over! Hehehe...

Friday, October 05, 2007


Elle dropped me a message yesterday echoing some of my friend´s recurrent complaints about my blog´s contents, namely: that they are not the happiest ones. Hehehehe: she is dead right!

Sometimes it really seems to be essential to take short breaks, clean up our heads, make ourselves a cup of coffee and kick back a little bit and who knows? Maybe get busy, maybe it is business time!…

Flight of The Conchords

Thursday, October 04, 2007


From “Childrens do learn” to “Mandela is dead”, President Bush has involuntarily made our lives more livable in the last few weeks (or is he really trying to kill us all, making us laugh to death, as someone has suggested?).

However, in all seriousness, after all these years I have ended up finding these mishaps to be entirely suspicious: otherwise it would simply be too much!

Monday, October 01, 2007


Before the Bush administration´s new threat to undertake a military intervention in Iran Mario Cuomo, former Governor of New York, went on Hardball last Friday and gave his take on the issue in what has constituted by far one of the most eloquent comments, made by an American politician, I have heard lately. Matthews is right: Mario Cuomo is so far ahead of the rest! Really worth watching: