Wednesday, May 02, 2007


I have to confess that this video (recently uploaded to You Tube) really made me laugh big time when I watched it this morning! Though I must say that I started feeling kind of sick some moments later (Hehehehe): Mike! I know this is not new but: what have you done man??


At 10:52 PM, Blogger Neres said...

Ya ves hay gente peor que uno, digo, creo que yo todavía tengo solución, y si, quien sabe que da en el estómago ver tamaño intervención de bisturí.

Gracias por tu comentario. Saludos

At 1:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jajajajaja... Por qué peor que uno amiga?? Solución? Claro! Siempre he creído que la solución a un problema comienza por su formulación apropiada: el segundo paso podría ser, como te dije, que te volvieras a enamorar... de ti misma.

Hahahahaha... why worse my friend? Solution? Sure! I have always thought that problem solving starts by formulating the problem the right way. The second step: be in love with yourself again! :)

Thanks for your comment

P. S.
As for Michael.. Damn!

At 2:56 PM, Blogger Pseudo Blog said...


no se parece en nada a sus raíces, bueno el mismo dinero que le sobraba lo terminó acabando...


At 3:13 AM, Blogger Kev Cruz said...

I've seen that video a lot of times....but I still feel sick everytime!
I don't know if I should hate a man that does this to himself or feel sorry for a man who grew up with such a distorted reality!
It's a sad story.

ZHP....keep up the cool work. Tonight I'll have a beer in your honour!

At 4:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pseudo blog: thanks for your comment my friend! Nice to have you here..

Kev: My man! you are right, it is a very sad story: a great great dancer but not too much of a brain though... as for the beer: super cool bro!! I will do the same: Cheers! Weekend´s here... :)

At 6:53 PM, Blogger Darko said...

that is what I said once when I watched and old video by M.Jackson... "oh bollocks this one is from 'when the bloke was black'' No racism, just love and peace....

At 9:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Darko: hehehehe! This Michael dude, quite a controversial guy, uh? Thank you very much for your comment bro! It is always nice to have u around..

Cheers Yo!!

P. S.
May 5th is a national holiday here in Mexico as it was the date when the legendary battle of Puebla took place during the French intervention in 1862. That day, Commander General Zaragoza and 80 more mexicans inflicted a glorious defeat on a complete French Army Division. Cool! Isn´t it?

At 4:25 PM, Anonymous Cameron Ramsey said...

Ya ves hay gente peor que uno, digo, creo que yo todavía tengo solución, y si, quien sabe que da en el estómago ver tamaño intervención de bisturí. Gracias por tu comentario. Saludos  


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