Case Type: Kidnapped
Age Now: 4
Sex: Female
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Missing City: Querétaro
Missing Country: Mexico
Circumstances: Catherine was kidnapped in Queretaro´s downtown.
In the morning I received this information from a very good friend. He asked me to circulate this picture and information. He told me he never would wish on his worst enemy a situation like the one Catherine´s parents are living now. I have no kids but it hurts like shit anyways!
UPDATE: Great News! According to this news dispatch Catherine Juliette has already been found. Excellent!
UPDATE: Great News! According to this news dispatch Catherine Juliette has already been found. Excellent!
Does anybody know who did this kidnapping ?
Good question Rolf. Thank you for asking. Ever since I read your message I have tried to contact my friend but so far It´s been impossible. As I soon I get something I will publish it. By now I just can say that this kind of events somehow
shows that no matter who you are or what you do we are all exposed to all kinds of danger and stuff.
She's been found.
En esta ocasión, las buenas noticias nos llegan de parte del Lic. Gustavo Ledesma Osorio, Jefe del Depto. de Locatel Querétaro, quién nos informa que:
"La persona mencionada, CATHERINE JULIETTE GARCIA MARTINEZ, ya se encuentra con sus familiares, cualquier aclaracion estoy a sus órdenes".
Felicidades a los familiares
Contacto para dar información: LOCATEL DE QUERETARO tel. 01 442 214-33-11
Excellent!!! What a great piece of news! Thank you very much for letting us know that!
Good question Rolf. Thank you for asking. Ever since I read your message I have tried to contact my friend but so far It´s been impossible. As I soon I get something I will publish it. By now I just can say that this kind of events somehow shows that no matter who you are or what you do we are all exposed to all kinds of danger and stuff.
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