Monday, February 19, 2007


Yesterday night, after having watched the video below with one of my best friends, I kept on thinking of words and their possible meanings but especially, the concrete reality they refer to: what some call “the real meaning behind words”.

How many times do we talk about something without really knowing what we are referring to? How many times do we believe we know what we are talking about but our knowledge does not really correspond to the reality we are referring?

The words “War in Iraq” refer to a reality impossible to tolerate and that most of us are opposed to and yet I think we still remain so far from understanding. This video, 1 hour long, contributes to form a more solid judgment about this craziness, beyond the corporate media image we might have.

Once we finished watching the video, my friend looked at me and asked: “What can we do about it?” I stared at her for a moment and responded: “I think we have just started doing it”.


At 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*What is War*

For some it is believed that it is a way of defending ones belief-territory..For some it can be just an excuse to perhaps move ahead and take over, to show a strength that was not once there... In my opinion, and I must emphasize in my opinion, regardless of how I feel about war- would I be considered a hypocrite to not start one of my own? Perhaps not with cruel tactics and machinery to take anothers life, but perhaps with the mighty pen itself.......

We started out with the Iraq War due to what happened on our soil...In my opinion it was in a sense a matter of time, due to the arrogance of those running a once strong Nation into the ground.. We believed what we were told and saw, which gave us the right to defend ourselves, and yet when so many things started to not add up- we see ourselves so called duped if I may say.......

This war- the meaning from my point of view, is more of a definition of Moral, and Character. This war has not only cost the lives and bloodshed of many, but it has also shown us how hateful and biggoted we can be against those of other nations. It showed us and the world, perhaps the tyranny and egos of poor leadership...It showed us perhaps how *fear* is now beginning to take hold. What can we do? First we can understand and accept the ability of wanting to understand more than what we are being fed through censored mobilities. We can learn to be diligent and restore our Nations through that proudness of character and morals that once were so important..We can learn to once again try and build bridges to our neighbors in far away lands and embrace diversity versus keeping us all seperated......We can hope, and believe, and come together as a world- instead of a country..............Making a difference, it starts with one person...That one person can change the course for all humanity...But of course, the more of like minds, the stronger the bonds....

Perhaps...Instead of a *War in Iraq* it shall now be known as "War against Injustice*...there are no boundries in that- only if you allow them to be.


At 3:37 AM, Blogger Kev Cruz said...

A great program!I think it's really important to get a fresh prospective on what's going on! Not just what's on the news!

At 6:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Callie: Thank you very much for your comment. I am with you in that of "war against injustice".

Kev: You are right man!! It is important to know different perspectives, especially those independent ones. I know the video contains very disturbing raw images but I think, in the end, it does present one side of the situation that is rarely considered by the corporate media and which help us have a better view.

At 8:49 PM, Blogger Luz said...

I’m sorry the images on that video are unbearable… it hurts, to see so much violence and disregard for human life… So much suffering; and this is only one the places of the many that are going through the same thing…
I’ll keep “war against injustice” count me on!
Thank you for your comment in my blog, and for giving me the opportunity to see yours, great information, thanks

Best Regards

(sí se calla el cantor, calla la vida…) que no se calle nunca el cantor. :)

At 7:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Luz, my friend!! Thank you very much for your comment. I feel you 100%... the reality those images refer to is simply unbearable!! After watching this video I felt super sad and hurt deep inside...

I think this is pretty much the reason why we have blogs such as yours... to remind us there´s still hope... that life is still beautiful.

Thank you


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